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Photo by Cassidy Phillips on Unsplash

​日本 Japan


Creative Residency Arita




日本佐賀縣的有田町為著名的陶瓷產地,有將近400年以上的製陶歷史。有田創意進駐的駐村計畫背景是由於2013年時荷蘭的駐東京大使館與有田簽訂了一《創意產業協議(Creative Industries Agreement )》,進而催生了2016年的藝術進駐計劃。進駐計劃以陶瓷生產及產品設計為重點,將資深的陶藝家與當地工匠配對,一起進行藝術上的合作,除了為來自不同背景和專業的外來藝術創作者提供技術支持,同時讓當地工匠突破自身對有田器皿傳統工法先入為主的固有觀念,活化當地生產力逐漸衰退的陶瓷產業,並激發該地工匠的創造力。有田期待當地能不僅被譽為一工業城鎮,同時可以成為創意熔爐,作為一個激發創新藝術和產品的地方並吸引更多國際專業人士。




Location: Saga Prefecture, Japan
Media: Ceramics.

Arita, in Saga Prefecture, Japan is a renowned ceramic manufacturing site with a 400-year history of ceramic making. The CRA programme came to existence in 2013, when the Creative Industries Agreement was signed between the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo and Saga Prefecture. The agreement was the catalyst for the 2016 programme. With ceramic production and design as the focal point, the programme pairs up highly-skilled potters and craftsmen for artistic collaboration, and offers support for creators from various backgrounds and specialisms. Simultaneously, for local residents this is a chance to break down any preconceived ideas they may have about how Arita-ware should or has been produced, instead giving rise to more progressive endeavour and exchange that will invigorate the region's creativity. Arita hopes to not only be known as an industrial town, but rather as a creative melting-pot where traditional techniques meet the cutting-edge, and attracts more professionals from around the world.

Official website:
Residency application:

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