the Art of Transformation
在轉身過後,看到當代工藝在材質與技法表現之餘,更重視其價值和概念思考,附帶人文關懷、社會議題以及環境意識等,其中也交雜個人與群體錯綜複雜的情感關係。社會學家理查.桑內特(Richard Sennett)說「工匠專注於大腦和雙手的緊密連結,展開具體實踐和思考方式之間的對話,這對話慢慢演變成持續的習慣,而這些習慣又在解決問題和發現問題間確立節奏。」
This is a journey which documents the continuous evolution of how artists create their works.
"Transformation" denotes a change in perspective and also indicates an on-going movement. Why do artists choose a residency? What motivates them to leave their daily routine? Some artists say this is to experience the process of familiarizing the unfamiliar, and to review their own transformation. At a new location, artists self-adjust, learn and give feedback, among other things. It is an experience that values the process of art creation more than the results.
Through transformation, contemporary craft has come to emphasize, besides materials and techniques, values and conceptions. Care for humanity, social issues, and the environment follows, just as the complicated, intertwined relationships of individuals and groups. Sociologist Richard Sennett once said, "Every good craftsman conducts a dialogue between concrete practices and thinking; this dialogue evolves into sustaining habits, and these habits establish a rhythm between problem solving and problem finding."
Through the exhibition, we hope to provide a peek into the world of artist-in-residence, as well as the language of contemporary craft that these artists intend to convey.