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Jhang received her MFA from the Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, TNNUA in 2014, and was a resident artist at Hsinchu City Art Site of Railway Warehouse in 2017 and 2018. Currently she is the manager of the TAUHÁ Metal Studio.


Jhang follows environmental issues, one of them the illnesses caused by the overuse of chemical substances. In her works, Jhang tries to simulate, recreate, and deconstruct illnesses, hoping to illustrate how the mankind plunder, exploit, and destroy natural environment, which breaks the Earth's balance and invites never-before-seen diseases for humans. She believes Mother Nature and mankind are a unity, and any artificial substances eventually end up in the human body, causing man-made diseases. Her works symbolize the manifestation of diseases, and when worn on the body, we get to imagine how these substances multiply and spread inside our bodies.


Hsinchu City Art Site of Railway Warehouse provides ample space and creative freedom during Jhang's residency, allowing her to ponder the relationship between craft, art, and herself. She is grateful for the opportunity to try various craft techniques and teaching experiments.



《失序 I  Disorder I》

黃銅、琺瑯 Brass, enamel

25 × 20 × 12 cm



《失序 II  Disorder II 》

紅銅、黃銅 Copper, brass

15 × 12 × 10 cm



《窸窣  Rustle 》

黃銅、紅銅、瓷、琺瑯 Brass, copper, porcelain, enamel




《四氯乙烯 I   C2Cl4 I 》

數位輸出影像展出 Digital printed image

50 × 40 cm



《四氯乙烯 II  C2Cl4 II 》

黃銅、紅銅、水干  Brass, copper,  mineral powder

28 × 15 × 17 cm



《四氯乙烯 III   C2Cl4 III》

黃銅、紅銅、水干 Brass, copper,  mineral powder

27 × 18 × 16cm


All Rights Reserved © 轉身之藝 The Art of Transformation 2020

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