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Cepo' Art Center

創作者 :王力之

工藝師 :潘金光、拉拉 · 龍女、潘明志

cepó 者播藝術中心位於花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口部落,承襲深厚傳統文化,環繞於人文與自然皆豐富的環境中。為延續發揚港口部落特有藝術底蘊,以創造在地更豐富的藝術環境為宗旨,深根人文內在素養,陪伴藝術家、孩子、老人家等部落社群一起成長。





Creator:  WANG Li-Chih

Craft Artist: PAN Jin-Guang, Rara Dongi, PAN Ming-Chih

Located in a harbor tribe in Fengbin Township, Hualien County, Cepo' Art Center inherits traditional culture in an environment rich in nature and humanities. To continue the unique tribal culture and create an art-rich environment, the Center aims to further humanistic education for the community and develop together with the artists, children, and the elderly in the tribe.


Life of the Pangcah people in the tribe is closely related to the ocean. Their weddings, funerals, and other celebrations end with "pakeleng," a rite in which families or people with a certain status in the tribe attend, symbolizing closure and the return to normal life. When eating fish by the sea, naturally-formed potholes are their utensils. Well-coordinated division of labor is carried out by choosing shores of fresh waters with clean potholes. Having cleaned the holes, they fill them up with fresh water. Some collect wood and rocks, make fire to heat the rocks, and then throw them into the potholes. When the water boils, the food is served.


“This land is the ashes of our ancestors.” This Pangcah proverb portrays how the elderly sees life: be diligent and steadfast, and precious cultural assets will accumulate in time. Their bodies (hands) and memories (techniques) manifest “a craftsman's spirit,” which is embodied in the Amis people's tangible culture.



《起爐  misaparor》

苧麻、薯榔、石頭、陶甕  Ramie, dye yam, stone, clay jar

依場地而定  Dimensions variable



《在海邊的生活  i riyaray a orip (Life by the sea)》 

鏡子、木頭  Mirror, wood

依場地而定  Dimensions variable


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